20 August 2008

Words For Each Day

Each day in life is training
Training for myself.
Though failure is possible,
Living each moment,
Equal to anything,
Ready for everything,

I am alive - I am this moment!
My future is here and now.

For if i cannot endure today,
When and where will I?

Soen Ozeki,

Daisen-in Zen Temple, Kyoto

I just had another Paralympic GB scientific testing day with the rest of the team. Statistics were taken on body composition and balance, flexibility, strength and power, endurance testing, a medical analysis and nutritional consultations as well as sweat loss monitor testing and overall fitness. Improvements were measured in my respectable results showing that my fitness training’s all worth it!

I put the stats to the tests at the London triathlon last weekend, thoroughly enjoyed it, what a great sport! Loved it! A fun day despite the constant drizzle. My brother Ben, Leane and my old friend Georgie helped and a team of uni mates who are a constant support, cheered me on, forcing me to grit my teeth and push on.

I ran with the Project VIper team and was second in my section and the fastest wheelchair user in the sprint, surprisingly good results for a first attempt. Funnily enough swimming in Victoria Dock in the Thames was the best bit, what a great day!

I’m feeling really positive about fitness and getting ready for the ski season. Loving watching the Olympics whenever I get a minute too, fantastic achievements, what an inspiration! Here's to living training.