23 November 2009

Hintertux Pre-Season Team Training ‘09

Three weeks excellent training in Hintertux, Austria, sets me in good stead for the coming season. After a few days free-skiing in powder with teammates and super-buddies Johnny and Georgia, I was ready for gates training when the management team arrived. In typical Tux style we spent a few days in cloud but the ‘hero snow’ kept us smiling!

The team’s been really supportive as always, and GS training was fun but I was most pleased with the last week of Slalom training. Video analysis provided evidence of significant improvements and I feel positive about the December NORAM races in Copper Mountain and Winter Park, Colorado. I really feel huge benefits from summer training in New Zealand, Many thanks to GetKidsGoing! for making this possible.

For the first time, the team's worked with a Ski Tech (to tune skis) and it was great to learn from Spike and ski on perfectly tuned skis for the conditions. Looking forward to building on the relationship.

Lifestyle Support provided by the Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS) looks to offer dependable backing.

Best wishes to my teammate Jane for a speedy recovery from a fractured collarbone.