6 July 2010

Glowing Testimonial for Special Sports Day!

One of the Young Leaders, Tanya, who I met through work on the Dame Kelly Holmes Legacy Trust, mentioned that her school was doing a Special Sports Day to allow access to a number of disabled schools in the area, and introduce disabled children to sports in a Secondary School environment.

Sunbury Manor School in Sunbury-on-Thames put on an amazing day, allowing many children access to sports that they may never have tried. I spoke during the initial assembly and joined in with the activities afterwards (including boccia, sitting volleyball, wheelchair basketball). Thank you for giving me the opportunity to take part and well done to the Young Ambassadors who played influential roles coaching, encouraging and working with these young people, you showed some real skills, excellent work! I am sure the day has had a really positive impact on many and it was a pleasure to be involved.

Kate Vaughan, Director of Specialism did a great job organising the day and wrote me the loveliest email which I hope she won't mind me sharing:

Dear Anna

I'd just really like to let you know what impact you had on our day. It was so inspiring to hear you address the students at the start of the day - we had a large age range (Yr3 to Yr11) and a diverse mix of physical and learning difficulties, and your talk was targeted perfectly. They, as were the staff, were enthralled to hear your story, which was superbly illustrated with photos and video clips. Students and staff were happy to ask you questions, and you were equally happy to take time to answer them all personally. Thank you also for spending time afterwards getting involved in the Paralympic sport taster sessions with the students, I know it made their day. It really was wonderful to meet such an inspirational Paralympian who was friendly, approachable and down to earth. We only hope that you come and visit us again as we now consider you a good friend of the school! Thanks again Anna!!

Best wishes,


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